After an hour, Harry said," Do you realize that this one fish we caught cost us almost$ 2,000?" 一小时后,哈里说:“你可知道我们钓的这条鱼几乎用掉我们2000美元?”
Transaction and HTTP request metering based on CPU time per hour, minute, or second is the most accurate billing and metering model, as each transaction can be measured for total cost. 基于每小时、每分钟或每秒钟CPU时间进行的事务和HTTP请求计量是最准确的计费和计量模式,因为可以计算总成本中每个事务的成本。
Say that your free time is worth roughly$ 12 per hour: If that taxi ride will cost about$ 10 and save you an hour compared to taking the subway, then it might be the right call. 假设你的时间每小时价值约12块。如果打车一次花费10块钱,比坐地铁节省一小时,那么你还是叫车吧。
Productivity is cutting speed cost and not per hour cost. 生产力是切割速度成本,不是每小时成本。
In addition to power selection and shell sizing for multiple circuit options, CEET also outputs tons per hour, P80 and operating cost on every mining block in the mine block model. 该工具除了能对多种磨矿流程进行磨机功率的选择、筒体尺寸的计算外,CEET还可以预测输出矿床模型中每个区块的单位处理量、P80及其运行成本。
# 8201;.# 8201;.# 8201;.# 8201; If you have to spend half an hour seeking permission to do one test, how many counsellors should we train and at what cost? 如果要获准进行一次检测,你不得不花上半个小时,那么我们得培训多少名咨询顾问,成本又有多高呢?
If it really is from a sample coming in to a lab and getting a result within an hour then that really is very, very good& but what's the cost going to be? 如果从样本进入实验室到获得结果之需要1小时时间,那么它就非常非常优秀了&但是成本将是多少?
On the condition of the development of national economy and much rise of the expense of vessel maintenance, it is important to decide reasonable vessel maintenance per hour cost. 在国家经济水平持续发展和舰船建造费用日益增加的趋势下,确定合理的舰船维修工时单价是非常重要的。
The use of a private jet ( anything from 1,100 to 10,000 an hour) by senior business executives is relatively easy to justify in terms of the cost of their time. 从时间成本的角度出发,比较容易证明企业高管使用私人喷气式飞机(从每小时1100英镑到1万英镑)是合理的。
What happened over the next half hour cost Fleming her life and changed Strong's forever. 接下来半小时发生的事情使得凯特搭上了自己的生命,也永远地改变了沙琳的人生。
The strategy of suitable pre-cooling schedule based on outdoor conditions and building capacity can reduce the power demand on peak hour and maintain acceptable indoor thermal comfort, and it result in operation cost saving. 结果表明,根据气象条件和建筑物的特性适时地提前启动系统,通过利用建筑物热容的能量储存能力可以减小系统的峰值电力需求,降低系统的运行费用同时室内的热舒适性状况未受影响。
Then according to the hourly system marginal prices in a day, the daily cost is allocated to each hour with different load level, and the hourly fixed cost is allocated to each bus in terms of heat contribution or maximum active power usage. 根据一日内各时段系统边际电价,将日费用分摊到线路的不同负荷水平的各个时段,根据发热贡献或最大有功使用程度将输电线路各时段的固定费用分摊到每个节点。
And then, it analyzes Haikou port general cargo handling system on three aspects such as inducement, output per machine hour and cost. 进而,分起运量、台时产量、成本等三部分具体分析了海口港件杂货装卸系统。
The work load which completed manually with a week in the past, but can be completed within an hour upon on this system, not only improving efficiency but also saving cost, and enhancing the customers 'loyalty. 过去手工用一周完成的工作量,应用此系统在一个小时之内就可完成提高了效率,节省了成本,提高了客户的忠诚度。
Because our country in the aspect of life cycle cost management compared with developed countries there is still a certain gap, too much attention to immediate interests instead of every hour and moment of life cycle cost caused serious economic consequences not alerted the various strata of society. 由于我国在生命周期成本管理方面与发达国家相比仍存在一定差距,过分关注眼前利益而淡化生命周期成本导致的严重经济后果无时无刻不在警醒着社会各个阶层。